Student Kepung Al Azhar Summarecon, Asks Principal to Resign

Student Kepung Al Azhar Summarecon, Asks Principal to Resign
SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. Dozens of students and youths who joined the Anti-Violence Student Unity Action (AKMAK) surrounded the Al Azhar Summarecon Junior High School in Bekasi City. Request justice for cases of bullying and beatings experienced (P), Tuesday (01/28/20)

According to the Jilun action coordinator, stating that cases of bullying and suspected beatings of school children who have been viral in print and electronic media must be clearly disclosed.

"We are here demanding to Al Azhar Summarecon to stop bullying, Stop protecting bullying and beatingers and the Principal must step down and take responsibility for the safety and trauma of students of bully and beating victims," ​​he said.

Jilun also asked the Bekasi City government to immediately solve the bullying and beating case involving Al Azhar Summarecon Students.

"I ask that this problem be thoroughly investigated, because if it is not resolved it can be a negative effect for the Bekasi City government," he said

From's monitoring, there were no Al Azhar Summarecon high school officials who wanted to talk to the students of the demonstration, only the Operational Staff dared to speak.

"We agree that the bullying case is an act that is not commendable, I have told the principal that in his school there were no bullying or student beatings," said Al Azhar Summarecon Operational Staff, Ardana in front of the demonstrators.


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