Even Bully Is Excommunicated, Al-Azhar Middle School Students in Bekasi Choose School Transfer

Even Bully Is Excommunicated, Al-Azhar Middle School Students in Bekasi Choose School Transfer

Bully SMP Al Azhar 31. The act of bullying or harassment of a senior class occurred again in Bekasi City.

This happened to students with the initial P (13) who were still in class VII of Al-Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi School, which was beaten by 10 older siblings who were in class IX.

The action like a gang of thugs is known by Hasmi Fitriasyah, P's parent (victim), after her child won't go to school.

While the action that deserves to be called the beatings he mentioned took place in September 2019.

"My son was beaten by 10 older siblings, Untung did not die, it was the third time a bullying incident was experienced by my child," Hasmi said, Tuesday (1/28/20) when talking through a celular connection to reporters.

Hasmi regretted that the harassment incident took place in a school that had a good public stigma. in fact, he said, the school seemed to close its eyes and as if there were no events.

"Even though my child was dragged from junior high school to the elementary canteen (Al-Azhar 31). Four people held my child so as not to move, while six others beat my child, "he said.

Hasmi had reported the harassment actions to the Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD).

Ironically, after being mediated, the school denied the existence of harassment.

"When I reprimanded the school said that my child was only beaten by four people. Even though the action was not praiseworthy at school, now when it came to the KPAD the school denied the existence of the harassment action, the statement by the school was inconsistent, "he said.

Hasmi admitted that at that time her son P had not even completed a month of education at Al-Azhar. When the Student Orientation Mass (MOS) he said, there was no violence that happened to his child.

"After waiting, there will be violence. first my child was bothered by seniors, secondly in front of my wife my son's collar was pulled up to strangle his neck. Well, the third time I was beating 10 people, "he said.

Sadly, Hasmi's reprimand to the principal was ignored. Instead, P was removed from the school.

Until finally Hasmi decided to move her child to carry a better education.

"I feel sad because the action actually has entered the criminal realm. and I emphasize if such actions have tarnished the world of education, "he said.

Al-Azhar Summarecon Bekasi Operational Staff, Ardana when confirmed denied any harassment actions experienced by students P.

According to him, the case had been mediated by the KPAD some time ago.

"I have talked to the principal that in his school there were no cases of bullying or student beatings," he said.


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