Bawaslu Keeps Tight Campaign Fund Reports

TopikDigital. The Election Supervisory Board strongly reminded that reports on campaign fund contributions must be open, all general election participants, both presidential and vice presidential candidates, political parties and DPD members and must report clearly and without manipulating

Mochammad Afifuddin Members of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) strongly emphasized that there is a criminal threat for anyone for reports that are not so real

"If the election participants give a report of improper contributions, there is a criminal impact," Afif said

Election participants also may not accept campaign fund contributions from prohibited sources, such as foreign governments, foreign nationals, and so on.

"We have received all LPSDK participants in the election," said KPU Chair Arief Budiman d

LPSDK is one of the stages of campaign finance reports that really need to be submitted by each election participant in the campaign period, its function so that the KPU knows the progress of the campaign funds received

"Of course this report is a part of the task that the KPU must do and supervised by the Election Supervisory Agency," Arief said.

Campaign fund reports that need to be collected by participants in the 2019 Election, there are three stages, the first is LADK or the initial campaign finance report which contains the initial funds, sember funds and special campaign fund accounts, this LADK was closed on September 23, 2018

and the next stage is the LPSDK which contains data on incoming funds and must be reported on January 2, 2019, and the third stage is collecting reports and campaign reports (LPPDK) that will be submitted to the public aluntan office recommended by the KPU, reporting time is eight days after collection the vote started on April 25, 2019


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